Your trusted Manchester
Removals Company

House RemovalsChristmas comes but once a year, a busy time for many, with lots of gifts to buy, gifts to wrap to give, family to see, food and drink to celebrate the festive season.

What if you are also moving house?  This is a recipe for a potential stressful time for you and your family.  However, if you chose the right removal company to move your home then at least this will be one less thing to worry about.

Movingeverywhere have been moving our customers in the UK and around the world for the last 6 years, we have lots of great house removals testimonials for you to see how we

look after our customers.  We believe that moving house is not just about moving furniture, it is also about looking after our customers’ needs to help them move with minimum stress and fuss.  Especially at Christmas time, when you just would like to know that your move is in safe hands, so you can concentrate on your festive arrangements.

How to make your Christmas House Move less Stressful.

Book Well in Advance

Once you know your move date, contact the removal company to confirm availability.  Due to Christmas being mid-week this year then between Christmas and New Year there is only 4 working days, with many estate agents and solicitors pushing for end of year completions this will make for a very busy week.  So please, as much notice as possible.

House Packing

Christmas is a busy time, with all the preparations you need to make to celebrate, the work parties, visiting friends and family – then on top of that you have to pack your home.  Instead of having to do it all why not take on the services of a House Packing Team.  Let them fully or partly pack your home, the cost of the House Packing Service is usually in the region of £55.00 up to £75.00 per hour plus the cost of materials – which leaves you free to do other things.  More importantly, once packed your items are insured up to a declared value for the full duration of your move.

Packing of Boxes & Effects

It is important to ensure that all items are packed before the men arrive.  On many occasions we have arrived to find the customer has not packed which makes loading the vehicle very difficult, as there is limited space in the back of the lorry and there is a very specific way to load the lorry to utilise the space.  All items need to be packed into sturdy boxes which will allow for stacking.  If used boxes (or non-removal boxes like crisp boxes) are used then they may crumple causing damage to your items (which will not be insured).

Unpredictable Winter Weather

It may snow, it may rain – who knows.  If it is snowing then it is your responsibility to ensure that your paths, driveways have been cleared and gritted before the removal company arrives.  If the path is not clear, then the men will have to scrape away the snow which will cause a delay which may incur additional costs.  As the movers will be in and out the house with the doors open, then wrap up warm as your house will get cold.  Also, will be good to keep the kettle out and the men warm with a steady supply of hot tea or coffee (keep the men happy)

Children & Pets

It is an exciting time for children at Christmas.  However, when moving house it is always best if the children can be cared for by a relative somewhere away from the house.  Pets can get stressed during a house move, with strangers in and out the house – again either leave them with a relative or book them into a cattery/kennels for the day.

Getting Dark at 4pm

It would be ideal for the removal lorry to arrive at your new home before it starts to get dark, this will allow the men to familiarise themselves with the new house and to check the paths and driveways to ensure they are safe to work on.  You will need to provide grit or sand for the new driveway, if it is not safe for the men to walk on then this will cause major insures not to mention potential injury to the men. 

Looking After Your Removal Men

In all my times of moving customers, I have found the most enjoyable moves to have been the moves when the customer has been close to the removal men, in close I mean having a chat and a bit of banter with the men, guiding them on where to put the items of furniture.  Keeping the kettle out and offering a tea and coffee to the men – It is your house move, I am sure you want your removal men to be enjoying what is a very difficult job in cold weather and to keep their spirits up.  As it’s the festive season, a few mince pies would always be greatly appreciated.

Conditions for the Men

Moving house at any time is a difficult task to complete.  Moving house in sometimes sub-zero degree temperatures is even more hard work, leaving the depot at 7:30am in the dark, then working all through daylight into the dark of the early nights then getting home does make for demanding times on the men.  Yes – it is their job which they have chosen to do.  These men, work hard for you, they will work throughout the Christmas Period to get you moved in to your new home with minimum stress and fuss.  Show some festive cheer, look after your removal men.

“Afterall Removal Men Aren’t Just For Moves at Christmas They Move All Year Round”

Here at Movingeverywhere, we wish you a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

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