With So much to do in the weeks leading up to your house removals, it is now time to get really organised. 2 to 3 weeks before you move is when you need to be making arrangements to change your utilities. Most Utility providers need this time to get your utililties switched – especially Broadband companies.
Moving Tip 1: Arrange for meter readings and service disconnection/connection. Contact your essential service providers and notify them of your move. You may need to arrange for water, gas and electricity readings at your present home on the day of your move. You also need to make sure that all the services at your new home are connected on the day you move in.
Moving Tip 2: Transfer your phone number. Have your telephone number transferred (or changed if necessary) and arrange for your final bill to be sent to your new home.
Use this as a reminder to start drawing up a list of people who will need to know your new info. Also, for a modest fee, your phone company should be able to provide a redirection message on your old number.
Moving Tip 3: Get advice on aerials/satellite dishes. – It is possible that your TV/FM aerials and/or satellite dish will not be suitable in the area you are moving to. Do get specialist advice, but it is often cheaper for you to leave them behind and have new equipment installed at your new home.
Moving Tip 4: Arrange for your post to be redirected. Contact Royal Mail if you want to have your post redirected to your new home. They need at least five working days notice to arrange the service and you can have post redirected for between one month and two years. If you are moving overseas you may wish to set up a post office box – again Royal Mail can do this for you.
Moving Tip 5: Organise the disconnection and reconnection of domestic appliances. Arrange for a qualified plumber, electrician or gas fitter to disconnect your appliances (washing machine, cooker, gas fires etc) in your present home and someone to reconnect them in your new home. Do not try to do this yourself.
Moving Tip 6: Check that your Internet Service Provider is available in your new area. Visit their website or call customer services, to check that you can transfer to your new address. If they are not servicing your new area then you will need to request a MAC code, to pass on to your new Internet Service Provider.
If you feel that you will be unable to pack all your household contents in time for the day of your move, then contact your house removals company and request a removals quote to include the packing service.
Movingeverywhere provides different levels of packing at different costs. Each of the packages will suit our customers needs.
Full Packing Service + Fragile Unpack – We will provide all materials, we will pack the whole house, then deliver to your new home, and unpack all fragile packed items – disposing of all materials
Fragile Pack Service – we will provide boxes leading up to the move, then on the day of the move we will pack all breakable / fragile items.
Part Pack Service – similar to the fragile pack, we provide the boxes prior to the move, you pack as much as you can, then we will do the rest of the packing for you, and we will charge you per box packed.
Whatever service you require, then we will mould a package to your needs.