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Removals Company

Its Moving DayWhen Moving House, there are 2 ways to move. . . the “Stressful Way” or the “Organised Way”.

Moving Home is recognised as one of the most stressful events in your life.  You have to make arrangements for all your household effects to be collected from one house and moved to your new home.

You have to cancel and change all your amenities – spending ages on the telephone to suppliers, you may be changing jobs, changing your children’s schools, deal with Estate Agents, Buyers, Solicitors and all other parties involved in the House Buying Process.  Provide all necessary paperwork to aid the purchase or sale.  Have meetings with the Bank, the Solicitors, Estate Agents.

You may be juggling arrangements around your work, or whilst at home looking after the family.  There is so much to do – and usually only 1 – 2 months to get it all done.

So how can you make the whole process as easy as possible?

Get Organised – and Start Right Away ?

There is a lot to consider when Moving Home.  So where should you start?   Grab a pen and paper and go on a tour of your home. . . .

  1. Make a full list of items which are to be moved.  Go room by room – make notes about any furniture which requires dismantling, any furniture which needs wrapping.  Count the number of cupboards which need to be packed.
  2. Whilst looking around your home decide – if you are going to throw out any items, or donate to charity – do not add them to the list.
  3. Check your loft / garage / cellar / shed – do you need to clear out items which you have not used in ages.
  4. Once you have compiled your list – decide which rooms your furniture will go into the new home.  Then transfer the list onto a spreadsheet on your PC.
  5. Decide if you have the time or inclination to Pack your Home Yourself? Packing is probably the most important part of  the house move – poorly packed items may get damaged during your move.
  6. How many boxes do you require? Not easy to calculate – best to buy more than not have enough.
  7. What Packing Materials do you need? Where do you buy it from?
  8. Do you have any Valuable Items which needs Special Care and Attention
  9. How big a vehicle do you think you will need?
  10. How many men or friends do you think will be needed? (if you are using a removal company then they will advise you of the best option for 6, 8 and 9.
  11. Are there any access issues Did all your furniture get into your home OK?  Where doors removed?  Windows taken out?  Did you build furniture in your home?  Will it need to be dismantled?  Can you do it, or do you need help?

There is a lot to take in initially, but once you have your list, then you can start to work out the answers to the questions. . .

. . . speak to your friends to see if they would help you move – if they can’t, can they recommend a good removal company?

By doing this, you are planning your house move much more efficiently – which will take away alot of the guess work involved in arranging for quotes.  Not only that ‘You will start to feel in control’ – of what to many is an undaunting experience.

If they do not know of any, then you need to start doing some research . . .

next post . . . What to look for at your new home and how to find the right House Removal Company for your requirements.

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