- Does the company send a booking confirmation, to confirm what work is to be carried out?
- Do they provide your with their Terms & Conditions?
- Do they fully explain how the insurance works?
- Do they provide an invoice?
- Do you get a receipt for your payments?
- Have they provided you with a address & telephone number along with a valid mobile phone number so you can contact the movers on the day?
- Does the removal company keep in contact with you, are are available if you need help & advice?
2. Has the cost of your move been properly explained, if there are possible additional costs have they been explained and put in writing?
3. Has the Removal Company explained which vehicle is to be used, and if any special tools or equipment are required?
Prior to the move the company should tell you the size of the vehicle to be used, the number of men for the move, and also if any tools are required (eg. lifting gear, tools for dismantling, etc). Are you happy with the arrangements. Does the company have blankets for your furniture, do they provide covers?
Many Man & Van companies, double up as couriers, some do not even use blankets in the back of the vehicle. Movingeverywhere uses blankets, trolleys and covers for their moves. The items we move, do not belong to us so we have look after the items entrusted in us.
4. Book you house removal at least 3 weeks before your moving day
If possible once you know you are moving, that is the time to start enquiring about your House Removal. Most companies can ot provide an accurate quote months in advance, but shouldbe able to provide you with an estimate for your move. This will help with your budget.
Ideally book your move as soon as possible, this will take away worry from you, and also the panic associated with leaving it until the last minute. Also the closer to the moving date you leave it the higher the cost may be.
Better arrangents can be made when there has been lots of notice.
Movingeverywhere can arrange short notice moves usually with 48 hours notice, but we always like as much notice as possible
5. If you are packing yourself then do it as soon as possible.
If you leave packing until the last minute more often than not the packing will be rushed, you may not have time to pack things properly, this is when things get damaged. Also, on the day of the moveif you have not packed and the movers have finished loading then this will hold up the move, and the movers may charge for the wait, they may have to help with the packing or dismantling of furniture, inwhich they may charge extra.
If you think you will not have time to finish the packing or the inclination to finish the packing, then advise the Removal Company in advance and they will gladly quote you to complete the packing.
If you have packed Fragile items then it is advisable to tell the movers which boxes are fragile packed. It may be a good idea to ask the movers to check the packing before they load the boxes.
6. Do doors or windows need to be removed to get furniture out, have you arranged parking?
Have you checked the access, have you booked a glazier to remove windows if required? Has furniture been dismantled if too large to get out of the house. Has parking been arranged? Councils need 7 days to arrange parking suspensions. If parking has not been arranged and the removal company has to park down the road, then this will increase the time it takes to complete the move and may charge extra.
7. Confirm the move a week before and also 2 days before the move?
The removal company should keep in contact with you prior to the move. By having a good customer service process in place this puts your mind at ease leading up to your move. I am sure there is nothing worse than not hearing from the removal company before the move, then waiting outside on the morning of the move waiting to see if they turn up.
We always speak to our customers the week before the move and also 2 days prior to the move to confirm the move and also to ensure the customers’ move is still going ahead as scheduled.
I hope this helps – “Prepare for your House Move – Reduce Your Stress”